
Showing posts from August, 2012

Dual boot Windows XP over Windows 7 installation guidelines

In this post you will learn  ‘How to install Windows 7 and Windows XP as  dual boot ’  with  Windows 7 as first installation . This case is applicable for users who have Windows 7 pre-installed on ‘C’ and want to install XP on their ‘D’ partition. The process for this is very simple . Follow the steps below to  install XP after Windows 7 . 1) Make a fresh Install of Windows XP on ‘D’ partition of your hard drive. Assuming, Windows 7 is installed on ‘C’ partition.


I found the following JRE videos that seem to be helpful as well. Routing Summer School Videos based on OJRE Student Guide material Session 1 Chapters 1, 2 and 3 OJRE Student Guide Chapter 1: Course Introduction Chapter 2: Juniper Networks Enterprise Routers Chapter 3: JUNOS User Interfaces Session 2 Chapters 4 and 5 OJRE Student Guide Chapter 4: Installation and Initial Configuration Chapter 5: Operational Monitoring and Maintenance Session 3 Chapter 6 and 9 OJRE Student Guide plus some additional topics/concepts • Chapter 6: Routing Protocols and Policy • Chapter 9: Miscellaneous Features Session 4 Chapters 7 and 8 OJRE Student Guide • Chapter 7: Link-State Protocols - OSPF • Chapter 8: Services 42/